Study confirms that drinking coffee can make you happier

Study confirms that drinking coffee can make you happier

Drinking coffee can help prevent emotional problems, as it stimulates the production of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine, considered the hormones of happiness.

Coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world, after water. Although much has been said about its consumption and its properties are still debated, there are millions of people who cannot start their day without drinking a cup of coffee. In recent research it has been shown that, contrary to what was believed, coffee is a very healthy drink that provides important benefits to the body.

In addition to this, lately there have been studies that have determined that people who consume coffee feel happier and take on life with a more positive attitude.

Research conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health (United States) and published by the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry maintains that people who consume two to four cups of coffee a day lead a more positive life, and determines that there are a relationship between coffee consumption and lower suicide rate. This same benefit can be obtained by consuming tea or chocolate, with an amount of caffeine equivalent to that number of cups of coffee. The result of the research was a 50% reduction in suicides in those who drank coffee regularly.

How was this investigation carried out?

Research from the Harvard School of Public Health brought together data from three studies involving 40,000 men and more than 150,000 women. Based on the results, the scientists concluded that caffeine can provide effects similar to a mild antidepressant and not just as a stimulant. The combination of these two elements can help make this drink an ally against depression.

Why can coffee do this?
Although this study was published in the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, the exact reasons why coffee has this effect on emotional health are not clear. However, experts consider that it has the ability to provide a feeling of well-being to the person, since caffeine can access almost all the recognized reward systems for the brain. This drink generates a pleasure in the body similar to that of other drugs and makes people reduce their negative thoughts.
The research emphasized that coffee acts on the central nervous system by increasing the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine, considered the hormones of happiness.

What to keep in mind ...
Although the results of this research break a spear in favor of coffee consumption, more scientific evidence is needed to consider that it is a drink that can combat depression. Although its consumption can help prevent these types of emotional problems, it cannot be said that it is a remedy to cure them. In addition, it should be remembered that it should be consumed in moderation, since excess caffeine can cause alterations in the central nervous system and produce imbalances.

Other benefits of drinking coffee

Of course, we could not let this opportunity pass without mentioning other benefits that coffee can bring to your health when you consume it moderately. For sure, from now on you will not want to start your day without taking it:

It contains antioxidants that help prevent many degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer`s.
Coffee provides minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which help maintain alertness and improve concentration.
Several studies have found that people who drink coffee frequently have a lower risk of cirrhosis of the liver.

It can reduce the risk of developing Parkinson`s disease.
Daily coffee consumption can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 25%.
A study from Cornell University (United States) found that the chlorogenic acid contained in green coffee can help prevent damage to eyesight caused by retinal degeneration.
In another study carried out at the Harvard School of Public Health (United States), it was also revealed that coffee can help reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 11%.
Drinking coffee every day can reduce liver cancer risk by up to 40%, according to a report in the journal of the American Gastroenterological Association.

Publication Date: 2018-12-27

Source: mejor



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